Tuesday, July 30

Friday, July 26

Thursday, July 25

Wednesday, July 24

Ware- ... Pear? :-/

Sir Miguel Childebert had a terrible secret: Every full moon he would turn into delicious fruit...

Tuesday, July 23

Captain Joseph E. Blimp

The men under captain Joseph E. Blimp's command admired him immensely. Through all the terrors of war they had witnessed together, and despite the misfortune of having been born a redhead, he never ceased to have a wide cheerful smile on his face.

Monday, July 22

Bun Head

I think I'm going to take a break from the the landscape and do some portraiture style painting.

Sunday, July 21

Little Red

I'm back from vacation and slowly getting back into the painting routine again.

Monday, July 8

Blog on break

The blog is going to be on summer break while I deal with other things in life for a bit.
I'll be back making more images around the 18th this month.

Have a nice summer.

Dave René.

Saturday, July 6

Friday, July 5

Thursday, July 4

Classic Fantasy

After yesterdays paintings very bizarre subject matter , (I literary have no idea whats going on in that painting).
Here's a more traditional fantasy illustration.

Wednesday, July 3

Tuesday, July 2

Monday, July 1

It was all about the love.. phew.

I know there has been a couple of days this weekend, where I did not post a picture. I am trying to catch up, but its seriously hard to come up with a new thing to paint every day - and I haven't even been at it for that long. I should't be running out of subjects so soon.. right.

Anywho, here's some love for everyone, Its free. ;-)

Saturday, June 29

Thursday, June 27

Scene Painting #6

Waldo at The Train Yard.

Not super happy with this one, Its a little too busy for me, and I think my drawing needs some serious work. :/

Wednesday, June 26

Tuesday, June 25

Scene Painting #4

The Opera House
Could not find my painting mojo today. I started and threw away at least four painting, and my usual allotted time of two hours of painting turned into four, The result is still pretty ugly.
Some days are just not good art days. Better luck tomorrow.

Monday, June 24

Sunday, June 23

Saturday, June 22